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A Cycle of Success

Now that we have the talent (Principle 9) and they are supported in their growth and development (Principle 10), it’s imperative we appropriately recognize their performance.

Principle 11: Nurture Effective Performance Management

Performance management is so much more than an annual review. In fact, perhaps the annual review has outlived its usefulness (if you believe it ever was useful!). As HR leaders, we recognize the significance of establishing a performance management system that motivates, guides, and empowers employees to achieve their full potential.

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This Principle focuses on setting clear performance expectations, providing regular feedback, and implementing coaching practices that enable employees to grow and excel in their roles. A robust performance management process enhances individual performance and contributes to the organization’s overall success.

Effective performance management begins with establishing clear and measurable performance expectations for each employee. You must collaborate with managers to define key performance indicators (KPIs) and align them with the organization’s strategic goals. Clarity in expectations enables employees to understand their roles, responsibilities, and the performance criteria against which they will be assessed.

Ongoing feedback and coaching are fundamental components of effective performance management. As a strong HR leader, work closely with managers to promote a culture of open communication and constructive feedback. Regular check-ins and performance discussions provide opportunities to acknowledge achievements, address challenges, and provide guidance for improvement.

To nurture employee development, focus on individual development plans. These plans outline specific skill-building opportunities, training programs, and career development initiatives tailored to each employee’s growth aspirations. Nurturing professional development fosters a sense of investment and commitment among employees.

Performance appraisals serve as formal reviews of an employee’s accomplishments, strengths, and areas for improvement. You must oversee the performance appraisal process, ensuring it is fair, objective, and aligned with the organization’s values. These evaluations help in recognizing high-performing individuals and providing support to those who may require additional guidance. Again, let’s point out that these reviews can happen multiple times throughout the year – but they should occur at least annually.

Recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance is an integral part of effective performance management. Collaborate with managers to implement recognition programs that celebrate employee achievements and contributions. Meaningful rewards reinforce desired behaviors and motivate employees to excel.

By embracing Principle 11, you empower employees and the organization to thrive. A well-nurtured performance management system not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the organization’s overall success.

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